Curtis Crawford

Curtis Crawford

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The Power of Branding YOU!

Developing your personal brand is key to monetizing your passion online and offline. Branding is one of the most effective marketing strategies used today and can be used for your business or your professional life. From large enterprises to small businesses are branding themselves everyday when you see their commercials, ads or even facebook pages. But what about your personal brand? No matter what business you're in; to what job you’re looking for you want to develop your personal brand. Your personal brand is what’s going to attract people to you. So what is a brand?

A brand is the perception your customer or people have of you or your business. When it comes to personal branding this is where you create value that people will remember you from and want to come back for more. The way you treat people and make them feel is also part of your brand. How do you make people feel after a conversation? Are they having pleasant thoughts after they walk away from you? These are important questions to think about when prospecting or engaging in conversation with people. Finding the best qualities in someone is part of your brand because you draw that person into you emotionally, making them feel good about themselves. When it comes to sales most people do not purchase based off logic they purchase based off emotions. People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

A successful brand identity is built around 4 key characteristics:

·         Consistent ways in witch you greet and speak to people are important. Always keep an energetic and positive attitude. Stay smiling, even on the phone because people can feel your smile through the phone.
·         Clear communication is important when talking to people so we know they understand what were saying or writing. You don’t want to confuse them.
·         Honesty in your word usage is critical. If your prospects engage with you and you don’t live up to what you say or you are misleading, this will damage the relationship. Or even worst lose a potential prospect or lead.
·         Unique in looking and feeling the message you’re trying to portray to your potential leads and prospects. Dare to be different, don’t look, act or have your materials like everyone else. Be creative and unique in developing your personal brand.

Know your competition and product if you’re in sales. You want to be knowledgeable letting your prospects and leads know you’re the expert and they come to the right person. Giving them the best value that they want to come back to you or recommend you to others. Brand you as the leader and you’ll create thousands of followers!

Start branding yourself today and become the leader everyone is searching for. You'll have more leads for your business and more subscribers to your list than you'll ever know what to do with!

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