Curtis Crawford

Curtis Crawford

Monday, March 12, 2012


If you want to build a strong, productive business, make the decision to become a
leader and not a needer. A lot of people get anxious in building their network marketing business, they lack patience and become needers. When you become a needer that's exactly what you are going to attract, needers. People who need a job, people who need money, people you think really need this opportunity. When people first get started they make their list of people they know and they think of all the people that need their opportunity.

When you decide to become a leader you will attract and produce leaders. You want to become the leader people are looking for and see value in. When you recruit and prospect, look for people you think that will be better than you. Leaders are inside directed, needers are outside directed. Leaders are usually self motivated, they have a burning desire for success, they have vision and goals that they already see themselves accomplishing. Needers are outside directed, they for the most part always have to be told what they should be doing, They do not put valuable time into building their business thats going to create positive results, their words do not coincide with their actions.

As a leader you have to empower you people for multiple results. You have to always be holding your team members accountable, not making it easy for them but making it hard for them so they are putting in the necessary work. You have to remember, you are not doing your team a favor by taking the pressure off of them, make them step out their comfort zone time after time. Not only will this produce results but in turn they become a more empowered individual. Most importantly this creates multiplied results because your creating a building and future leader who will teach the same leadership to his/her team.

Not today, not tomorrow, not next week, NOW, decide to be a leader and not a needer. When you decide now to become a leader, the leader people are looking for, you're going to see a major shift for the better in your business growth. When you decide to become a leader you're not wishing, you're not hoping, you're not going to try, you're going to just do it! That decision has to be now, now is all we have. We're not promised tomorrow. Deciding now means to start walking like a leader and talking like a leader, posturing yourself. You can't wait and say when i get some people on my team i will become a leader, NO, you have to decide now that you will be a leader and you will start to attract people who want to be part of your team and duplicate your leadership.

Everything produces after its own kind. Dogs produce dogs, cats produce cats, horses produce horses. Leaders produce leaders and needers produce needers. Do you want to build a successful business? Do you want to empower you team for positive results? Do you want to attract leaders? Decide now to become the leader people are looking for and that transform needers into leaders.

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